Our Services

Jasa Kompilasi/Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan
Jasa Internal Audit
Penyusunan Laporan Pajak
Penyusunan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi
Penyusunan Sistem Operasional Prosedur Keuangan
Penyusunan Sistem Akuntansi Syariah
Pelatihan Akuntansi
Accounting Service (Financial Statement Compilation)

A financial statement compilation is a service to assist the management of a business in presenting its financial statements to be in conformity with the applicable accounting standard (SAK/SAK ETAP/SAK EMKM). The correct bookkeeping is intended to support the right and accurate decision-making process as to improve the economic, efficiency, and effectiveness of the company / business institutions / government.

Internal Audit Service

Examination of financial statements prepared by internal accounting division with the aim of providing an opinion on the fairness of the presentation of financial statements as a whole, including risk identification, analysis and mitigation measures, and to provide assurance on the adequacy of its respective governance, risk management and control processes.

Tax Service

Review the financial statements of the company to calculate the actual taxes owed in the relevant period.

Company Profile

The establishment of KJA ALIM DATA KONSULTAN was approved by the Ministry of Finance with the decree No. 14/KM.1/PPPK/2023 dated 12 January 2023. The clients are from the following industries: Trading / Retail. Construction. Transportation. Manufacturing. Trading / Retail
  • Izin Kemenkeu RI

    Izin KJA (14/KM.1/PPPK/2023)

  • Izin Akuntan Berpraktik

    AB Budiandru


  • Izin Akuntan Berpraktik

    AB Deni T Sugiarto


  • Izin Akuntan Berpraktik

    AB M. Nurul Alim



    Projects Completed


    Number of Clients


    Ongoing Projects


    Repeat Projects

    Tentang Kami

    KJA Alim Data Konsultan berkomitmen meningkatkan kompetensi personil, menjunjung tinggi nilai dan etika profesi dan memberikan jasa dengan standar mutu yang tinggi

    Meet Your Partners

    Akuntansi Manajemen

    Dr. Budiandru, ME.Sy, Ak, CA, CPA
    AB 730

    Perpajakan dan Umum

    Deni Sugiarto,M.Ak, Ak, CA
    AB 733

    Akuntansi Syariah, Perpajakan dan Umum

    Dr. M. Nurul Alim.,ME, Ak, CA
    AB 755

    Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia

    Perkumpulan Konsultan Praktisi Perpajakan Indonesia

    Ikatan Konsultan Pajak Indonesia

    Hubungi Kami

    Feel free to contact us



    Head Office

    Perumahan Grand Kartika No. 5A, Jl. Jambore, RT.05 , RW.06 Cibubur Kec. Ciracas, Kota Jakarta Timur 13720
